Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rachel Carson and other sustainably focused authors

I admit that I have not read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. It is on my list of books and lying abandoned on my bookshelf. She has quite a reputation for changing environmental concern in the United States by bringing attention the effect synthetic pesticides have on our environment. Carson has been credited with beginning the ecofeminism movement which joins a woman's natural cycles to the cycles of the earth (Mother Earth to some), and the conjunction of the degradation of women and the degradation of nature in the Western world.

Last year I took Wilderness and the American Mind, an english course, with Dr. Gordon Johnston. We read literature from native creation stories, colonists and explorers, and many recent authors like Wendell Berry, Barry Lopez, Annie Dillard, and Henry David Thoreau.  Some of my favorite passages came from Barry Lopez and Wendell Berry's many essays. If you're looking for something to occupy your time this summer, I'd suggest reading any of these authors.

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